How Proverbs 11:25 keeps Cora's Helping Hands grounded and focused on the mission to help families throughout the midwest.
This scripture reminds me that it’s always a blessing to be able to bless others and when we do this we too will prosper.
Incorporating Faith and Family into the fabric of who Cora's Helping Hands is and why were passionate about families and communities.
Proverbs 11:25 Amplified Bible (AMP) - The generous man is a source of blessing and shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered reaping the generosity he has sown.
The faith and vision of Cora's Helping Hands are rooted in prayers and founded in love for people. We want to always show up in the world with our best. Giving our best is a pillar of the organization. We believe that the more we offer and help others, the more generosity and support for us in return.
It is this level of consciousness and awareness to be a blessing to others that those who support Cora's Helping Hands, have a mindset. Whether you want to be involved in our next event or provide a monetary donation, know that our hearts and minds are always with people and how we can help a family or person in need.
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